This article describes how to restore the SmartUpdate “Generate CPInfo” menu option which has been disabled by default since the R77 release.
A CPInfo can be generated by the standard “cpinfo -z -o <filename>” command on the console and then either FTP’d from the gateway / management centre to a local server or copied off using WinSCP or equivalent.
There can however be issues here, including:
- there is no local FTP server to transfer the file to or technicians do not know how to use FTP from the command line
- A security rule prevents FTP / SCP / SFTP between the gateway / management station and the FTP/SCP/SFTP client
- WinSCP sometimes has buffer issues and the copy fails
- The default shell on the gateway / management centre must be changed to /bin/bash for the WinSCP connection to work
A much easier way for the less technically minded is to use SmartUpdate – the Checkpoint console application – to generate and save a copy of the cpinfo on the local machine.
Since R77 however, this option has been disabled and the only option is to “Upload diagnostics CPInfo to Checkpoint.” This is fine if you have a direct-to-vendor support contract all companies except the largest corporations go through a reseller who will require a CPInfo for support purposes.
Using SmartUpdate to Generate a CPInfo
To re-enable the local “Generate CPInfo” menu, follow these instructions. Click on the images to see them full-size:
1. File -> Tools -> Upload diagnostics (CPInfo) to Checkpoint -> Settings

2. Enable the Generate CPInfo menu

3. Exit and restart the application
4. Locate the gateway, right click and choose “Generate CPInfo”:

Now you can generate CPInfos and save them from the application directly to your desktop – just like in the old days!